(7)Encode the following message using Caesar's key value of 3 “I LOVE ENCRYPTING MESSAGES


To encode the message "I LOVE ENCRYPTING MESSAGES" using Caesar's key value of 3, we need to shift each letter in the message three positions to the right in the alphabet.

Here are the steps:

1. Start with the original message: "I LOVE ENCRYPTING MESSAGES"
2. Shift the first letter "I" three positions to the right: "L"
3. Shift the second letter " " unchanged.
4. Shift the third letter "L" three positions to the right: "O"
5. Shift the fourth letter "O" three positions to the right: "R"
6. Shift the fifth letter "V" three positions to the right: "Y"
7. Shift the sixth letter "E" three positions to the right: "H"
8. Shift the seventh letter " " unchanged.
9. Shift the eighth letter "E" three positions to the right: "H"
10. Shift the ninth letter "N" three positions to the right: "Q"
11. Shift the tenth letter "C" three positions to the right: "F"
12. Shift the eleventh letter "R" three positions to the right: "U"
13. Shift the twelfth letter "Y" three positions to the right: "B"
14. Shift the thirteenth letter "P" three positions to the right: "S"
15. Shift the fourteenth letter "T" three positions to the right: "W"
16. Shift the fifteenth letter "I" three positions to the right: "L"
17. Shift the sixteenth letter "N" three positions to the right: "Q"
18. Shift the seventeenth letter "G" three positions to the right: "J"
19. Shift the eighteenth letter " " unchanged.
20. Shift the nineteenth letter "M" three positions to the right: "P"
21. Shift the twentieth letter "E" three positions to the right: "H"
22. Shift the twenty-first letter "S" three positions to the right: "V"
23. Shift the twenty-second letter "S" three positions to the right: "V"
24. Shift the twenty-third letter "A" three positions to the right: "D"
25. Shift the twenty-fourth letter "G" three positions to the right: "J"
26. Shift the twenty-fifth letter "E" three positions to the right: "H"
27. Shift the twenty-sixth letter "S" three positions to the right: "V"

The encoded message using Caesar's key value of 3 is: "LORE HQFQPSLQJ PHVVDJHVS"