Use mental math to solve the equation.

Start Fraction z over negative 12 End Fraction = –5

To solve the equation Start Fraction z over negative 12 End Fraction = –5 using mental math, we can multiply both sides of the equation by -12.

This gives us z = -5 * -12.

Multiplying -5 and -12 gives us z = 60.

So, the solution to the equation is z = 60.

To solve the equation, we want to isolate the variable "z."

To start, we multiply both sides of the equation by -12 since there is a fraction with a denominator of -12.

On the left side, the -12 cancels out the fraction, leaving us with just "z."
On the right side, we have -5 times -12, which equals 60.

So the solution to the equation is z = 60.