Create an image of a math-related scene. It should contain an abstract representation of an equation, with variable 'x' and numbers involved but without any definite values or solution. To capture the essence of the complex mathematical process, the backdrop should be reminiscent of a chalkboard. There should be dynamic depictions of mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication or division along with different geometric shapes like squares, circles and triangles distributed across the image. Avoid including any text or specific answers in the image.

What is the solution of the equation 52x = −18 ?(1 point) Responses −120 negative Start Fraction 1 over 20 End Fraction 120 Start Fraction 1 over 20 End Fraction −516 negative Start Fraction 5 over 16 End Fraction −20

To find the solution of the equation 52x = -18, we need to isolate x.

First, we can divide both sides of the equation by 52:
(52x)/52 = (-18)/52
x = -18/52

Simplifying the fraction -18/52 gives us the solution:
x = -9/26

So, the solution to the equation 52x = -18 is x = -9/26.

To find the solution of the equation 52x = -18, we need to isolate the variable x.

Step 1: Divide both sides of the equation by 52 to isolate x.
52x/52 = -18/52
Simplifying the equation gives us:
x = -18/52

Step 2: We can simplify the fraction -18/52 further:
The greatest common divisor for both -18 and 52 is 2.
Dividing both the numerator and denominator by 2 gives us:
x = -9/26

Therefore, the solution to the equation 52x = -18 is x = -9/26.

To find the solution of the equation 52x = -18, you need to isolate the variable x. Here's how you can do it:

1. Begin by subtracting 18 from both sides of the equation:
52x - 18 = -18 - 18
Simplifying the right side:
52x - 18 = -36

2. Next, isolate the term with x by getting rid of the coefficient of x. In this case, the coefficient is 52. Divide both sides of the equation by 52:
(52x - 18) / 52 = -36 / 52
x - (18 / 52) = -9 / 13

3. Reduce the fraction on the left side of the equation, if possible:
x - (9 / 26) = -9 / 13

Therefore, the solution to the equation 52x = -18 is x = -9/13 or approximately -0.692.