For this activity, you can complete these individually or in a group. Please write 15 statements about the bones and bone markings using anatomical directions, such as "the frontal bone is anterior to the parietal bones," or "the femur is proximal to the tibia." To get the most out of this, I recommend you use structures that you are struggling to remember!

Please include: 2 about the skull bones

2 about skull bone markings

2 about the bones in the limbs (leg or arm)

2 about the markings on the humerus or femur Try using something like "the ______ is on the distal end of the femur"

2 about the markings on the radius/ulna or tibia/fibula

1 about the bones in the wrist

1 about the bones in the ankle

1 about the markings on a single vertebral bone (not the column)

1 about the bones in the thoracic cage

1 about the markings on the scapula or ox coxae (hip bone)

1. The frontal bone is anterior to the parietal bones in the skull.

2. The temporal bone is lateral to the occipital bone in the skull.
3. The external auditory meatus is a marking on the temporal bone.
4. The zygomatic bone is anterior to the temporal bone on the face.
5. The femur is proximal to the tibia in the leg.
6. The patella is a marking on the anterior aspect of the femur.
7. The ulna is medial to the radius in the arm.
8. The olecranon process is on the proximal end of the ulna.
9. The radius is lateral to the ulna in the forearm.
10. The styloid process is on the distal end of the radius.
11. The carpal bones are in the wrist.
12. The talus bone is part of the ankle.
13. The spinous process is a marking on a single vertebral bone.
14. The ribs are part of the thoracic cage.
15. The acromion is a marking on the scapula.

1. The frontal bone is anterior to the parietal bones in the skull.

2. The mandible is inferior to the maxilla in the skull.

3. The humerus is proximal to the radius and ulna in the arm.
4. The femur is proximal to the tibia and fibula in the leg.

5. The olecranon process is on the proximal end of the ulna.
6. The lateral malleolus is on the distal end of the fibula.

7. The carpals are in the wrist.
8. The tarsals are in the ankle.

9. The spinous process is a marking on a single vertebral bone.
10. The vertebral column supports the spinous process.

11. The ribs are part of the thoracic cage.
12. The sternum is found in the thoracic cage.

13. The acromion process is a marking on the scapula.
14. The acetabulum is a marking on the hip bone (ox coxae).