One of the BSc. Economics students at MzumbeUniversity conducted a study on the “Factors

Affecting Performance of Trade Unions in Tanzania and her study was published in the
American Journal of Business and Management: Vol. 2, No. 2, 2018, 181-185. The study was
a cross-sectional survey descriptive in nature. She claimed that the approach is effective in
handling research which needs information from different people and for convenience of
comparison. The population constituted teachers both in primary and secondary schools and
also CWT officials in Kasulu District, Kigoma, Tanzania. A total population of 3000 teachers
exist in the study area inclusive of CWT officials.

The student used a cross-sectional survey design for her study, which means that data was collected at a specific point in time. This approach allowed her to gather information from a diverse group of people and compare their responses.

The population for the study consisted of teachers in both primary and secondary schools, as well as officials from the CWT (Council of Wise Teachers) in Kasulu District, Kigoma, Tanzania. The total population in the study area was 3000 teachers, including CWT officials.

It can be inferred that the student aimed to investigate the factors that impact the performance of trade unions in Tanzania. The study likely collected data through surveys or interviews with teachers and CWT officials to gather information on their experiences with trade unions and any challenges or factors that may affect their performance.

The publication of the study in the American Journal of Business and Management suggests that it underwent a peer-review process and met certain quality standards for publication.

Based on the information provided, here are the steps to understand the study conducted by the BSc. Economics student.

Step 1: Identify the research objective and study design
- The objective of the research was to examine the factors affecting the performance of trade unions in Tanzania.
- The study design used was a cross-sectional survey, which is descriptive in nature.

Step 2: Identify the publication details
- The study was published in the American Journal of Business and Management.
- The specific publication details are:
- Journal: Vol. 2, No. 2, 2018,
- Pages: 181-185.

Step 3: Understand the rationale for the chosen approach
- The student claimed that a cross-sectional survey is an effective approach for research that requires information from different people and for the convenience of comparison.

Step 4: Identify the study population and location
- The study population consisted of teachers in both primary and secondary schools, as well as CWT (Council of Workers' Trade Unions) officials.
- The study was conducted in the Kasulu District, Kigoma, Tanzania.
- The total population in the study area, including both teachers and CWT officials, was 3000.

By following these steps, you should have a better understanding of the study conducted by the BSc. Economics student at Mzumbe University.