Eva proudly waved the two five-dollar bills for her parents to see. She had earned the money by helping a neighbor rake leaves. Eva put the money in her pocket. Later in the day, she tucked the bills inside the library book she was reading. Eva wasn't usually forgetful. She was having a busy week, though. She completely forgot about putting the money in the book.

A few days after returning the library book, Eva remembered the ten dollars. She went to the library. "That book has been checked out again," said the woman at the library. Eva asked who had the book. The woman wasn't allowed to say. Eva sighed and trudged home, certain that the money was gone forever.
Later, her friend Lilly came over to work on a school project. Lilly told Eva about a very funny library book she was reading. It was titled Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing.
Eva's eyes got big. Eva asked if Lilly had the book with her. Lilly pulled the book out of her backpack. Eva held the book upside down and fanned its pages. Out fluttered two five-dollar bills.

1. What is the main idea of this story?

A. Eva loses some money and then gets it back.

B. Lilly and Eva enjoy the same kinds of books.

C. Eva earns ten dollars and uses it to buy a book.

D. The librarian tells Eva that her money is gone forever.

2. Because she is having a busy week, Eva forgets. . .

A. to turn in her library book when it is due.

B. to help her neighbor rake leaves in his yard.

C. to take her money out of a library book.

D. to see if Lilly wants to read her library book.

3. Read these sentences from the story.
Lilly told Eva about a very funny library book she was reading. It was titled Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. Eva's eyes got big.
Based on these sentences, the reader can guess that.

A. Eva is about to cry.

B. Eva is afraid.

C. Eva needs glasses.

D. Eva is surprised.

4. What is the main lesson of this story?

A. Always return library books on time.

B. Good neighbors help those in need.

C. Keep important things in a safe place.

D. It is better to share than to be stingy.

1. A. Eva loses some money and then gets it back.

2. C. to take her money out of a library book.
3. D. Eva is surprised.
4. C. Keep important things in a safe place.

1. The main idea of this story is A. Eva loses some money and then gets it back.

2. Because she is having a busy week, Eva forgets C. to take her money out of a library book.
3. Based on the sentences provided, the reader can guess that D. Eva is surprised.
4. The main lesson of this story is C. Keep important things in a safe place.