Mr. Smith uses 400 square tiles to cover the floor of a bedroom. The bedroom has an

area of 25 square metres. What are the dimensions of a square tile in square metres?

To find the dimensions of a single square tile, we need to divide the total area of the bedroom (25 square metres) by the number of tiles used (400).

25 square metres ÷ 400 = 0.0625 square metres per tile

So, each square tile has an area of 0.0625 square metres. To find the dimensions of the tile, we can take the square root of the area:

√0.0625 square metres = 0.25 metres

Therefore, the dimensions of a single square tile are 0.25 metres by 0.25 metres (or 25 cm by 25 cm).

To find the dimensions of each square tile in square meters, we first need to determine the total area covered by the tiles.

Given that the bedroom has an area of 25 square meters and Mr. Smith used 400 square tiles, we can divide the total area covered by the number of tiles to find the area covered by each tile.

Area covered by each tile = Total area / Number of tiles

Area covered by each tile = 25 square meters / 400 tiles

Area covered by each tile = 0.0625 square meters

Therefore, the dimensions of each square tile in square meters is 0.0625 square meters.