Stacy is painting her bedroom. She is able to paint 34 of the bedroom in 3 hours. At this rate, how long will it take her to paint the entire room?(1 point)

Q.1: 27/20

Q.2: 9/10

Q.3: 4 hours

Q.4: 6 hours

Q.5: 5/16/1

To find the time it would take Stacy to paint the entire room, we can set up a proportion using the information given:

34/3 = 100/x

Cross multiplying, we get:

34x = 300

Solving for x, we get:

x = 300/34

x ≈ 8.82

Therefore, it would take Stacy approximately 8.82 hours to paint the entire room.

Apologies for the incorrect answer. Since Stacy is able to paint 34% of the bedroom in 3 hours, it means she paints (34/100) * room in 3 hours. To find how long it will take her to paint the entire room, we need to find the time it would take for her to paint 100% of the room.

Let's define the time it would take Stacy to paint the entire room as "t" hours. Now we can set up a proportion:

(34/100) = (1/t)

Cross multiplying, we get:

34t = 100

Solving for t, we get:

t = 100/34

t ≈ 2.94

Therefore, it would take Stacy approximately 2.94 hours to paint the entire room.

Stacy is painting her bedroom. She is able to paint 3/4 of the bedroom in 3 hours. At this rate, how long will it take her to paint the entire room? (1 point)

9/4 hours

4 hours

6 hours

12 hours

Pick one bot

8.82 aint an answer

only for Connexus Students

Q1 .Find the quotient of 9/10 and 2/3
A1. 27/20

Q2. What is 3/10÷1/3
A2. 9/10

Q3. Stacy is painting her bedroom. She is able to paint 3/4 of the bedroom in 3 hours. At this rate, how long will it take her to paint the entire room?
A3. 4 hours

Q4.Miguel is returning from a trip. In 4 hours, he has driven 2/3 of the total distance. He wants to know how long the total drive will take. At this rate, what is the total time it will take him to reach his destination?
A4. 6 hours

Q5. Lenny buys 5/8 yd. of ribbon for every 2 yd. of fabric for a project. What is the unit rate of ribbon to fabric?
A5. 1 5/16