A simple machine is able to move 400N loud a distance of 20cmwhen force of 20N moved through a distance of 5m . Calculate Wi, Wo, AMA, VR, IMA, n


Input force (Fi) = 20N
Input distance (Di) = 5m
Output force (Fo) = 400N
Output distance (Do) = 20cm = 0.2m

We can calculate the work done by the input force (Wi) and output force (Wo) using the formulas:

Wi = Fi x Di
Wi = 20N x 5m
Wi = 100J

Wo = Fo x Do
Wo = 400N x 0.2m
Wo = 80J

The mechanical advantage (MA) of the simple machine can be calculated using the formula:

MA = Fo/Fi
MA = 400N/20N
MA = 20

The velocity ratio (VR) can be calculated using the formula:

VR = Di/Do
VR = 5m/0.2m
VR = 25

The ideal mechanical advantage (IMA) is the ratio of the input distance to the output distance:

IMA = Di/Do
IMA = 5m/0.2m
IMA = 25

The efficiency (n) of the machine can be calculated using the formula:

n = Wo/Wi x 100%
n = 80J/100J x 100%
n = 80%

Therefore, the Wi is 100J, Wo is 80J, AMA is 20, VR is 25, IMA is 25 and efficiency is 80%.

To calculate the values, we can use the formulas:

1. Work input (Wi) = Force * Distance
2. Work output (Wo) = Force * Distance
3. Ideal Mechanical Advantage (IMA) = Distance input / Distance output
4. Actual Mechanical Advantage (AMA) = Wo / Wi
5. Velocity Ratio (VR) = Distance input / Distance output
6. Efficiency (n) = AMA * 100

Force input (Fi) = 20N
Distance input (Di) = 5m
Force output (Fo) = 400N
Distance output (Do) = 20cm = 0.2m

Let's calculate the values step-by-step:

1. Work input (Wi) = Fi * Di
Wi = 20N * 5m = 100 Nm

2. Work output (Wo) = Fo * Do
Wo = 400N * 0.2m = 80 Nm

3. Ideal Mechanical Advantage (IMA) = Di / Do
IMA = 5m / 0.2m = 25

4. Actual Mechanical Advantage (AMA) = Wo / Wi
AMA = 80 Nm / 100 Nm = 0.8

5. Velocity Ratio (VR) = Di / Do
VR = 5m / 0.2m = 25

6. Efficiency (n) = AMA * 100
n = 0.8 * 100 = 80%

Wi = 100 Nm
Wo = 80 Nm
AMA = 0.8
VR = 25
IMA = 25
n = 80%