Pulleys and Inclined Planes Quick Check

How can you calculate the mechanical advantage a simple machine provides?
ANSWER - divide the output force by the input force

How can a simple fixed pulley make a job easier?
ANSWER - by changing the direction at which the force needs to be applied

A pulley system has a mechanical advantage of 3, and an object weighing 9 Newtons must be lifted 15 meters. How much force must be applied to lift the object? Use the following equation to find the answer: MA=Fo/Fi

How is the work energy theorem represented as an equation?
ANSWER - W = (triangle)E

A simple machine increases the distance that a force needs to be applied from 3 meters to 27 meters, and the work done is 216 Joules. How much force is applied?

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216/(27-3) = 9

No, I misread it. 216 / 27 = 8