List 12 jobs that used to be very successful in the past but is no longer as a result of technological advancement

1. Switchboard operator

2. Typewriter repair technician
3. Film projectionist
4. Video rental store clerk
5. Travel agent
6. Newspaper delivery person
7. Telephone book publisher
8. Mail carrier (to some extent)
9. TV repair technician
10. Toll booth attendant
11. Elevator operator
12. Door-to-door salesperson

1. Switchboard Operator: With the advent of automated telephone systems, the need for manual switchboard operators has significantly reduced.

2. Locomotive Fireman: The introduction of diesel and electric trains has made the role of locomotive fireman obsolete.
3. Film Projectionist: The digitization of movies and the rise of digital projectors has replaced the need for traditional film projectionists.
4. Elevator Operator: The automation of elevator systems has eliminated the need for operators to manually operate elevators.
5. Travel Agent: Online booking platforms and travel websites have made it easier for individuals to book their own travel arrangements, reducing the need for travel agents.
6. Typewriter Repairman: The decline in the use of typewriters with the emergence of computers and word processors has made typewriter repair services less in demand.
7. Toll Booth Operator: The implementation of electronic toll collection systems, such as transponders and license plate readers, has reduced the need for toll booth operators.
8. Milkman: Widespread availability of refrigeration and the rise of grocery stores have replaced the traditional milk delivery services.
9. VHS Tape Rewinder: As VHS tapes have been replaced by DVDs and digital streaming, the need for tape rewinders has become obsolete.
10. Telephone Directory Printer: The availability of online directories and digital phone books has drastically reduced the demand for printed telephone directories.
11. Photo Developer: The growing popularity of digital cameras and online photo sharing has decreased the demand for film processing and development services.
12. Clipper Ship Captain: With the advancement of steamships and later, motorized ships, the era of clipper ships and their captains came to an end.