Select the correct answer. Which number is a rational number?

A. √15
B. 2.6457513110...
C. 17.156
D. ∛85

C. 17.156

To determine which number is a rational number, it's important to understand what rational numbers are.

Rational numbers are numbers that can be expressed as a fraction, where both the numerator and denominator are integers.

Let's consider the options:

A. √15: The square root of 15 is an irrational number because it cannot be expressed as a fraction. Therefore, option A is not a rational number.

B. 2.6457513110...: This is a decimal with a repeating pattern, which suggests it is a rational number. However, to be certain, we would need to determine if the repeating pattern is present.

C. 17.156: This is a decimal and does not have a repeating pattern. However, it can still be expressed as a fraction since it ends. Thus, option C could be a rational number.

D. ∛85: The cube root of 85 is an irrational number because it cannot be expressed as a fraction. Therefore, option D is not a rational number.

Based on this analysis, the rational number is likely option C: 17.156.