Sentence stress

A sentence stress is defined as the action, force or punch given to content word in a sentence.
1. My project has been approved My PROJECT has been APPROVE D
I need more sentences from you .

2. She didn't like the book I recommended to her. SHE didn't LIKE the BOOK I recOmMENded to HER.

3. The concert starts at 8 pm tonight. The CONcert STARTS at EIGHT pm toNIGHT.
4. I have to study for my exams this week. I HAVE to STUDY for my EXams this WEEK.
5. He's always late for our meetings. HE's ALways LATE for OUR MEETings.

Certainly! Here are some more sentences showcasing sentence stress:

2. The sun is shining brightly today. The SUN is SHINING BRIGHTLY toDAY.
3. She plays the guitar beautifully. She PLAYS the GUITAR BEAU-ti-ful-LY.
4. They went to the movies last night. They WENT to the MO-vies LAST NIGHT.
5. He is a fantastic chef. He IS a FAN-tas-TIC CHEF.
6. I love eating chocolate ice cream. I LOVE EATING CHOC-o-late ICE CREAM.