passive and active voice

When the subject of the sentence performs the action, the sentence is in ___
. When the subject of the sentence receives the action, and the person or thing doing the action follows the verb, the sentence is in ____

When the subject of the sentence performs the action, the sentence is in active voice. When the subject of the sentence receives the action, and the person or thing doing the action follows the verb, the sentence is in passive voice. And let me tell you, the passive voice is like a ninja sneaking up on you, while the active voice is more like a superhero saving the day. So, use your powers wisely, my friend!

When the subject of the sentence performs the action, the sentence is in active voice. In active voice, the subject is the doer of the action and is typically placed at the beginning of the sentence. For example: "John threw the ball."

On the other hand, when the subject of the sentence receives the action, and the person or thing doing the action follows the verb, the sentence is in passive voice. In passive voice, the subject is acted upon by the verb and is often placed at the end of the sentence or omitted altogether. For example: "The ball was thrown by John."

To identify whether a sentence is in active or passive voice, you can ask yourself:
1. Who or what is performing the action? (Active voice)
2. Who or what is receiving the action? (Passive voice)
3. Is the subject at the beginning of the sentence? (Active voice)
4. Is the subject at the end of the sentence or omitted? (Passive voice)

Keep in mind that active voice is generally preferred in most forms of writing because it tends to be more direct and concise. Passive voice is often used when the focus is on the object or when it is necessary to deemphasize the doer of the action.

When the subject of the sentence performs the action, the sentence is in active voice. When the subject of the sentence receives the action, and the person or thing doing the action follows the verb, the sentence is in passive voice.