Using complete sentences, compare and contrast the standards of living in Australia and Papua New Guinea. Be sure to include information on such issues as life expectancy, education, urban living, and healthcare.

The standards of living in Australia and Papua New Guinea differ significantly in several aspects. In terms of life expectancy, Australia has a considerably higher average life expectancy of around 82 years, while Papua New Guinea's average life expectancy is significantly lower at around 65 years.

In regards to education, Australia boasts a well-developed and highly regarded education system with high literacy rates and a wide range of opportunities for higher education. Papua New Guinea, on the other hand, faces challenges such as limited access to quality education, low literacy rates, and a lack of school facilities in remote areas.

When it comes to urban living, Australia has well-planned cities with modern infrastructure, efficient transportation systems, and a high level of access to basic amenities. Papua New Guinea, on the other hand, experiences challenges in urban areas with overcrowding, inadequate infrastructure, and limited access to basic services.

In terms of healthcare, Australia has a comprehensive healthcare system that offers universal access to medical services, including public hospitals, clinics, and a wide range of health services. Papua New Guinea, unfortunately, faces significant challenges in healthcare delivery, with limited access to quality healthcare facilities, a scarcity of medical professionals in remote areas, and a lack of adequate medical supplies.

Overall, while Australia enjoys a higher standard of living with higher life expectancy, quality education, efficient urban living, and comprehensive healthcare, Papua New Guinea faces significant challenges in these areas, with lower life expectancy, limited access to education, inadequate urban infrastructure, and challenges in healthcare delivery.