Which location on the map has the highest overall population density?

Papua New Guinea
New Zealand

Based on the options provided, the location with the highest overall population density would be Australia.

Well, let's see. Considering Antarctica is mostly populated by penguins who aren't too concerned about personal space, I think we can safely say that it's not the area with the highest population density. As for Australia, New Zealand, and Papua New Guinea, they all have their own unique charms, but in terms of population density, it's Papua New Guinea that takes the cake. With its lush landscapes and vibrant culture, it's no wonder people flock there and contribute to its higher overall population density. Plus, who can resist the allure of tropical weather and some darn good coffee?

The location on the map with the highest overall population density is not Antarctica since it has no permanent population. Among the remaining options, Australia has the highest overall population density.

To find the location on the map with the highest overall population density, we can consider the population and land area of each of the given locations.

First, we need to find the population density for each location. Population density is calculated by dividing the total population of an area by its land area.

Let's gather the necessary information:

1. Australia: According to recent data, the population of Australia is approximately 25 million people. The land area of Australia is around 7.7 million square kilometers.

2. Papua New Guinea: The population of Papua New Guinea is estimated to be around 8 million people. The land area of Papua New Guinea is about 462,840 square kilometers.

3. New Zealand: The population of New Zealand is around 5 million people. The land area of New Zealand is approximately 268,021 square kilometers.

4. Antarctica: Antarctica is a continent primarily dedicated to scientific research and has no permanent population. Therefore, we cannot calculate its population density.

To calculate the population density for each location, we divide the population of each location by its land area:

1. Australia: Population density = 25 million / 7.7 million square kilometers = 3.25 people per square kilometer.

2. Papua New Guinea: Population density = 8 million / 462,840 square kilometers = 17.3 people per square kilometer.

3. New Zealand: Population density = 5 million / 268,021 square kilometers = 18.7 people per square kilometer.

Comparing the population densities, we can see that Papua New Guinea has the highest overall population density at 17.3 people per square kilometer, followed closely by New Zealand at 18.7 people per square kilometer. Therefore, the location on the map with the highest population density is Papua New Guinea.