Write an assembly program that:

- Load AL by an arbitrary number,
- Check whether it is an odd/even number,
- If it is an odd number, it will be converted to its next larger even number and will be shown in port 0 in the trainer kit.
- If it is an even number, it will be converted to its previous smaller odd number and will be shown in port 0 in the trainer kit.

Assuming the program is for an 8-bit microcontroller, here is one possible solution in 8051 assembly language:

MOV A, #27 ; Load an arbitrary number (e.g. 27) into AL
ANL A, #01 ; Check the least significant bit to determine odd/even
JZ even_num ; Jump to even_num subroutine if A is even
inc_num: ADD A, #01 ; Increment A to make it an even number
MOV P0, A ; Show the result on port 0
SJMP end_prog ; Jump to the end of program
even_num: SUBB A, #01 ; Decrement A to make it an odd number
MOV P0, A ; Show the result on port 0
end_prog: RET ; End of program

This program first loads an arbitrary number (27) into AL using the MOV instruction. It then uses the ANL instruction (bitwise AND) with the immediate value 0x01 (binary 00000001) to check the least significant bit of AL. If the result is zero (i.e. AL is even), it jumps to the even_num subroutine. Otherwise, it continues to the next instruction, which increments AL by 1 using ADD. This makes AL an even number because the least significant bit is set to 0. The result is then shown on port 0 using the MOV instruction.

If AL was even and the program jumped to the even_num subroutine, it uses the SUBB instruction (subtraction with borrow) with the immediate value 0x01 to decrement AL by 1. This makes AL an odd number because the least significant bit is set to 1. The result is then shown on port 0 using the MOV instruction.

Finally, the program ends with a RET (return) instruction. Note that this program assumes that the trainer kit has an 8-bit output port named P0, which can display the result in binary. The program also does not handle overflow or underflow of AL, which could occur if the input number is close to the maximum or minimum value of the microcontroller. These edge cases would require additional checks and error handling.

Sure! Here's an example of an assembly program that accomplishes the tasks you described using the x86 assembly language:

section .data
number db 13 ; Arbitrary number to be loaded into AL

section .text
global _start

mov al, [number] ; Load AL with the arbitrary number

cmp al, 1 ; Check if the number is odd
jne even ; Jump to "even" if not odd

; If the number is odd, convert it to the next larger even number
add al, 1 ; Increment AL to the next number
and al, 0xFE ; Clear the least significant bit to make it even

jmp output ; Jump to the output section

; If the number is even, convert it to the previous smaller odd number
sub al, 1 ; Decrement AL to the previous number
and al, 0xFF ; Make sure the number is still in the range of 8 bits

out 0, al ; Output the result in port 0

mov eax, 1 ; Exit system call
xor ebx, ebx ; Exit code 0
int 0x80 ; Call kernel

NOTE: This assembly code assumes that the arbitrary number is stored in the `.data` section as `number db 13`. You can modify the value of `number` as desired.

Once the program is assembled and run, it will load the arbitrary number into register `AL`, check if it is odd or even, adjust it accordingly, and then output the result to port 0 using `out 0, al`.