If I am debating against digital technology and saying it has negative impact on children what would be a good introduction

As society becomes increasingly dependent on digital technology, questions about its impact on children have become more pressing. While there are certainly some advantages to technology use, such as improved communication and access to information, there are also concerns about negative effects on children's cognitive, social, and emotional development. In this debate, I will argue that the negative impacts of digital technology on children far outweigh any potential benefits.


1. Begin with a thought-provoking statement:
- "Imagine a world where children spend more time engrossed in digital screens than engaging in real-life experiences. Unfortunately, this is becoming the new norm in today's society."
- "In our technologically-driven age, children have become increasingly reliant on digital devices for entertainment and education. However, the negative impact of digital technology on young minds cannot be ignored."
2. Provide some background information:
- "Digital technology, encompassing smartphones, tablets, computers, and video games, has revolutionized the way we communicate, learn, and entertain ourselves."
- "While there are undoubtedly numerous benefits to digital technology, such as increased access to information and enhanced connectivity, we must also acknowledge the potential risks and adverse effects it poses to children's physical, social, and cognitive development."
3. State your stance and set the tone for the debate:
- "Today, I will be arguing against the excessive use of digital technology among children, highlighting the negative impacts it has on their overall well-being and healthy development."
- "As concerned adults, it is crucial that we critically examine the role digital technology is playing in children's lives and ensure that its use is balanced and beneficial."
4. Preview your main points:
- "Throughout this debate, I will explore the detrimental effects of excessive screen time on physical health, the erosion of social skills caused by digital dependency, and the potential cognitive drawbacks of a digitally-saturated childhood."
- "By examining these issues, we can begin to understand the urgency of addressing the negative impacts of digital technology and take measures to safeguard the well-being of our children."

Note: These are suggested steps for constructing an introduction. You can customize or rearrange them as per your preference and the specific focus of your debate.