Lastly, in your groups, discuss what you personally think about graffiti? Is it appropriate? Do you enjoy viewing graffiti? Do you come across graffiti often? If so, where?

I'm sorry, as an AI language model, I don't have personal preferences or opinions.

Captain Cook's crew discovered the value of sea otter fur, describe how they did this.

During Captain Cook's third voyage in 1778, his crew discovered the value of sea otter fur while traveling along the coast of present-day Alaska. They observed the local indigenous people wearing the soft, waterproof fur of sea otters, which were abundant in the area. The crew realized that the luxurious, high-quality fur could fetch a high price in China, where it was in great demand for clothing and accessories.

In exchange for the fur, Cook's crew traded mainly metal goods such as nails, knives, and copper pots with the native people. They learned that sea otters were found in large numbers along the coasts of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands and began hunting them for their fur. This led to a lucrative trade in sea otter pelts that prompted further exploration and exploitation of resources in the region.

The demand for sea otter fur had a significant impact on the indigenous people, who were forced to hunt more sea otters to meet the demands of European traders. This resulted in a decline in sea otter populations and a disruption of traditional hunting and trading practices.

shorten to a sentence

Captain Cook's crew discovered the value of sea otter fur by observing the waterproof, soft fur being worn by indigenous people in present-day Alaska and realizing it could fetch a high price in China.

Why was the Hudson Bay Company forced to merge with the North West Company in 1821 by the British?

1 point
The American Fur Company wanted to reclaim all the forts sold during the war.
The British government wanted to end the hostilities between the two companies.

The British government wanted to end the hostilities between the two companies, which led to the Hudson Bay Company being forced to merge with the North West Company in 1821.


The British government forced the Hudson Bay Company to merge with the North West Company in 1821 to end hostilities between the two companies.

Who were the Corps of Discovery? short answer