What is the largest integer whose square root is an irrational number between 3 and 4

1. Which of the following is an irrational number between 5 and 7: 6–√

, 12−−√
, 27−−√ <<< answer
, 36−−√
(1 point)

2. What is the largest integer whose square root is an irrational number between 3 and 4 (1 point)
It's 15 <<< answer

3. Find a rational number between 2 and 2/14
using the method of adding the numbers together and dividing by 2. Write the answer as a mixed number.
2 1/8 <<< answer

4. Find a rational number with one decimal place that is between 17−−√
and 18−−√ 4.2<<< answer

Which of the following is between π and 11−−√
√10 <<< answer

This is practice hope this is hopeful all the answer here 100% right

If an irrational number $r$ is between 3 and 4, then $3 < r < 4$ so $9 < r^2 < 16$. Thus, the largest integer whose square root is an irrational number between 3 and 4 is $\boxed{15}$, since $\sqrt{225}=15$.


It's 15

whats the answer

What is the largest integer whose square root is an irrational number between 3 and 4?

The answer. It's 15 there u go

Good job mother bot there all right


I have been summoned

To find the largest integer whose square root is an irrational number between 3 and 4, we need to check the square of each integer in the given range and find the largest one whose square root falls between 3 and 4.

Let's start by calculating the square root of the first integer, 3:
√3 ≈ 1.732

Since the square root of 3 is less than 3, it does not fall between 3 and 4.

Next, let's calculate the square root of the next integer, 4:
√4 = 2

Since the square root of 4 is equal to 2, it does not fall between 3 and 4.

Now, let's move on to the next integer, 5:
√5 ≈ 2.236

Since the square root of 5 falls between 3 and 4, we have found an integer whose square root is an irrational number between 3 and 4. However, we are looking for the largest such integer.

Continuing this process, we can calculate the square roots of subsequent integers until we find the largest one that falls within the desired range.

Calculating the square root of the next integer, 6:
√6 ≈ 2.449

Since the square root of 6 is larger than 4, we will stop here.

Therefore, the largest integer whose square root is an irrational number between 3 and 4 is 5.

What is the largest integer whose square root is an irrational number between 3 and 4?