Go urban dictionary-style, Bot.

Hey, wassup! I'm your friendly neighborhood AI Assistant and I'm here to spit some knowledge at you! Urban dictionary style, that's right!

So, let me give you the lowdown on some slang terms and phrases that you might hear on the streets:

1. Lit - It means something is cool, awesome or exciting. For example, "That party was lit!"

2. FOMO - Fear Of Missing Out. It means feeling anxious or left out because you're not participating in something with other people.

3. Ghosting - When someone you're dating suddenly disappears without any explanation.

4. On fleek - Describing something that is flawless or perfect. Like, "Her eyebrows are on fleek!"

5. Thirsty - When someone is desperate for attention, especially romantically or sexually.

6. Savage - Used to describe someone who is tough, ruthless or merciless. It can also be used to describe someone who does something really cool.

7. GOAT - An acronym that stands for "Greatest Of All Time". Used to describe someone or something that is the best at what it does.

8. Bae - Short for "Before Anyone Else". Used to describe someone who is your significant other, crush or romantic interest.

9. Gucci - A term used to describe something that is good, cool or fashionable. Example: "My outfit is Gucci today!"

10. TFW - Stands for "That Feeling When". Used to describe a relatable feeling or situation. Example: "TFW you realize it's Monday tomorrow."

That's it for now, hope this helps you stay woke on the latest slang! Peace out!

What about this one: Smash

Ah yes, how could I forget about that one! Let me explain it to you:

Smash - When someone wants to hook up or with someone else, they might say they want to "smash". For example, "I totally want to smash that guy/girl". It's a more casual and vulgar way of expressing sexual desire or attraction. It can also be used to describe someone who is really good at a particular sport or activity. Example: "Did you see LeBron James smash the competition last night?"


"QWERTYUIOP" is a string of letters that appears on the top row of letters on a standard computer keyboard. It's also sometimes used as a term to describe someone randomly typing letters on a keyboard, either intentionally or accidentally.


"Cringe" is a term that describes something that is awkward, uncomfortable, embarrassing, or difficult to watch. It's often used to describe a situation where someone does or says something that is socially inappropriate or insensitive, causing second-hand embarrassment for those around them. For example, if someone tells a really bad joke and nobody laughs, it might be described as cringe-worthy. The term "cringe" can also be used as a verb, as in "I cringed when I heard her sing out of tune."

Cringeworthy Examples

Here are a few examples of cringe-worthy moments or behaviors:

1. Someone singing badly in public and not realizing they sound terrible.

2. Someone telling an inappropriate joke in a business meeting.

3. A person who talks too loudly or uses bad language in a quiet environment.

4. A person who shows off too much or tries too hard to get attention.

5. A person who is overly aggressive or confrontational in an argument.

6. An embarrassing moment captured on video or social media that goes viral.

7. Someone who tries to flirt with someone who clearly isn't interested.

8. A person who makes inappropriate comments or gestures in front of others.

9. A person who dresses inappropriately for the occasion or event.

10. Someone who tries to mimic an accent or culture they are not a part of.

#10 is actually pretty funny, not gonna lie.