What governmental responses did the ideology behind the excerpt eventually provoke in the Philippines and other territories?

distrust and refusal of any American interventions

excitement at the possibility of association with the U.S.

enthusiastic welcome of the new economic opportunities

partial and grudging acceptance in exchange for military aid

A. distrust and refusal of any American interventions

The excerpt does not provide specific details about the ideology or its impact on the Philippines and other territories. Without more information, it is not possible to determine the exact governmental responses. However, based on the given options, some possible responses could include:

- A. Distrust and refusal of any American interventions: If the ideology promoted anti-imperialistic or anti-colonial sentiments, it could lead to a reaction of distrust and a refusal of any American interventions or influence in the Philippines and other territories.
- B. Excitement at the possibility of association with the U.S.: It is also possible that the ideology might have been supportive of closer ties or association with the U.S., leading to excitement among the population of the Philippines and other territories.
- C. Enthusiastic welcome of the new economic opportunities: If the ideology promoted economic development or growth, the response could include an enthusiastic welcome of any new economic opportunities or investments from the U.S.
- D. Partial and grudging acceptance in exchange for military aid: In some cases, governments might reluctantly accept American interventions or influence in exchange for military aid or security assistance.

Without more information, it is not possible to determine the exact governmental responses provoked by the ideology in question.