When the comb jelly, Mnemiopsis leidyi, was accidentally introduced into the Black Sea, what eventually happened to the Black Sea ecosystem? (Site 1)

The introduction of Mnemiopsis leidyi into the Black Sea caused significant changes in the ecosystem. The comb jelly became a dominant predator, consuming large amounts of zooplankton and fish larvae, which in turn led to a decline in the population of these organisms. This destabilized the food web and caused a reduction in the population of other species in the ecosystem, such as anchovies and sprat. The depletion of these small fish led to a significant decline in the commercial fishing industry in the Black Sea. Additionally, the comb jelly caused a decline in the oxygen levels of the water, which led to the suffocation of some bottom-dwelling organisms. Overall, the introduction of Mnemiopsis leidyi was a major ecological disaster for the Black Sea.

Step 1: The accidental introduction of the comb jelly Mnemiopsis leidyi into the Black Sea disrupted the ecosystem in several ways.

Step 2: The comb jelly is a voracious predator that consumes a variety of plankton, including fish eggs and larvae. As a result, the comb jelly population exploded due to the abundance of food in the Black Sea.

Step 3: The increased predation pressure from the comb jellies caused a decline in the population of zooplankton, which are an important food source for a wide range of marine organisms, including fish.

Step 4: The decline in zooplankton population had a cascading effect on the ecosystem. With fewer zooplankton to consume algae, there was an increase in algal blooms, leading to changes in the water chemistry and reduced oxygen levels.

Step 5: The low oxygen levels adversely affected other marine organisms, such as fish and bottom-dwelling species, which rely on oxygen-rich waters to survive.

Step 6: Additionally, the overabundance of comb jellies altered the food web. The decline in zooplankton population disrupted the food supply for higher-level predators, such as fish, and led to changes in the overall structure and functioning of the ecosystem.

Step 7: The impact of the introduced comb jelly on the Black Sea ecosystem was significant and resulted in ecological and economic consequences. Fish populations declined, affecting commercial and recreational fisheries, while the overall biodiversity and stability of the ecosystem were compromised.

Note: This information is based on general knowledge and might not be specific to Site 1. Please refer to Site 1 for more detailed and precise information on the topic.