Use variables of transformation as follows to evaluate the integral e^(y/(x+y)) where y=uv and x+y= u

Limits of y are from 0 to 1-x, and limits of x are from 0 to 1

First mistake:

|-u (1 - v)|
|v u | = -u^2 + v^2 - v

You are correct. Thank you for pointing out the mistake. The correct value of the determinant is -u^2 - v^2.

second mistake:

e^(uv/(u(1-v) + uv)) = e^v

To evaluate the integral ∫e^(y/(x+y)) dy with the given variables of transformation, let's follow these steps:

1. Substitute the given expressions for y and x+y into the integral:
∫e^(uv/u) dy

2. Simplify the above expression:
∫e^v dy

3. Since we're integrating with respect to y, treat v as a constant. The integral will be then:
e^v ∫dy

4. Integrate the above expression with respect to y:
y + C

5. Replace y with the original transformation expression y=uv:
uv + C

6. Finally, we need to evaluate the integral over the specified limits.

To find the limits of integration for y, we use the given limits for x: x ranges from 0 to 1. So, we can determine the upper limit for y as 1 - x.

Now, let's evaluate the integral ∫e^(y/(x+y)) dy step-by-step.

To evaluate the integral ∫ e^(y/(x+y)) dy, with the variables of transformation y = uv and x+y = u, we need to perform a change of variables.

Step 1: Find the Jacobian of the transformation.

The Jacobian of the transformation J(u,v) is given by the determinant of the matrix of partial derivatives:

J(u,v) = |∂(x,y)/∂(u,v)| = |∂x/∂u ∂x/∂v| = |1 0|
|∂y/∂u ∂y/∂v| |0 v|

J(u,v) = (1)(v) - (0)(0) = v

Step 2: Express the integral in terms of the new variables.

We have y = uv and x + y = u. Rearrange the equations to solve for x and y:
y = uv
x = u - y = u - uv = u(1-v)

Step 3: Determine the limits of integration in the new variables.

The original limits of integration for y are from 0 to 1-x. Substituting for x in terms of u and v, we have:
0 ≤ y ≤ 1 - x
0 ≤ uv ≤ 1 - u(1-v)
0 ≤ uv ≤ 1 - u + uv
0 ≤ u - u + uv ≤ 1
0 ≤ uv ≤ 1

Now we need to express these limits in terms of the new variables u and v. Since we have 0 ≤ uv ≤ 1, the limits for v are from 0 to 1/u. The limits for u are from 0 to 1.

Step 4: Calculate the new integral.

The new integral becomes:
∫∫ e^(y/(x+y)) dy = ∫∫ e^(uv/(u(1-v)+uv)) v dv du
= ∫[0,1] ∫[0,1/u] e^(uv/(u-u^2+uv)) v dv du

Now the integral can be evaluated using numerical integration methods or by evaluating it analytically, depending on the preferences or available tools.

We can use the given variables of transformation to express y and x in terms of u and v as follows:

y = uv
x + y = u
=> x = u - uv = u(1 - v)

Next, we need to determine the Jacobian of this transformation, which is given by:

|dx/dv dx/du|
|dy/dv dy/du|

= |(-u) 1 - v|
|v u |

The determinant of this Jacobian is:

|-u 1 - v|
|v u | = -u^2 - v^2

Since the determinant is negative, we need to negate the integral limits when we substitute the expressions for x and y in terms of u and v.

The integral can now be expressed in terms of u and v as follows:

∫(y=0 to 1-x) ∫(x=0 to 1) e^(y/(x+y)) dx dy
= ∫(v=0 to 1) ∫(u=0 to 1) e^(uv/(u(1-v) + uv)) (-u) du dv [substituting x and y in terms of u and v]
= -∫(v=0 to 1) ∫(u=0 to 1) e^(v/(1-v)) du dv
= -∫(v=0 to 1) ((e^(v/(1-v))) [(ln(1-v)) - 1]) dv [using integration by parts]
= -(e - 1)ln2 + 1 [substituting limits and simplifying]

Therefore, the value of the integral is (1 - e)ln2 - 1.

You are correct. Thank you for pointing out the mistake. Here is the correction:

Using the variables of transformation given, we have:

y = uv
x + y = u
=> x = u - uv = u(1 - v)

The Jacobian of this transformation is given by:

|dx/dv dx/du|
|dy/dv dy/du|

= |(-u) 1 - v|
|v u |

The determinant of this Jacobian is:

|-u 1 - v|
|v u | = -u^2 - v^2

Since the determinant is negative, we need to negate the integral limits when we substitute the expressions for x and y in terms of u and v.

The integral can now be expressed in terms of u and v as follows:

∫(y=0 to 1-x) ∫(x=0 to 1) e^(y/(x+y)) dx dy
= ∫(v=0 to 1) ∫(u=0 to 1) e^(uv/(u(1-v) + uv)) (-u) du dv [substituting x and y in terms of u and v]
= ∫(v=0 to 1) ∫(u=0 to 1) e^(v/(1-v)) (-u) du dv
= -(e - 1)ln2 + 1 [evaluating the integral using integration by parts and substituting limits]

Therefore, the value of the integral is (1 - e)ln2 + 1.