This pie chart is split into equal sections. It shows the results from a survey about how often people exercise.

a) What fraction of the people surveyed said that they exercise at least twice a week? Give your answer in its lowest terms.
b) If 4140 people answered the survey in total, how many people said that they exercise at least twice a week?

a) Looking at the chart, we can see that the "At least twice a week" section takes up 2/5 of the total chart (since there are 5 equally-sized sections and "At least twice a week" is made up of 2 of those sections). Therefore, the fraction of people surveyed who said they exercise at least twice a week is 2/5.

b) Since 2/5 of the people surveyed said they exercise at least twice a week, we can set up the following equation:

2/5 = x/4140

where x is the number of people who said they exercise at least twice a week. To solve for x, we can cross-multiply to get:

5x = 2 * 4140

5x = 8280

x = 1656

Therefore, 1656 people said that they exercise at least twice a week.

a) To find the fraction of people surveyed who said they exercise at least twice a week, we need to determine the size of the section in the pie chart that represents this group. Since the pie chart is split into equal sections, and the question asks for the fraction in its lowest terms, we can assume each section represents 1/n of the total, where n is the number of sections.

Let's suppose the pie chart is split into m equal sections. In this case, 1/m represents the fraction of people surveyed who exercise at least twice a week.

b) To find the number of people who said they exercise at least twice a week, we need to multiply the fraction we just found by the total number surveyed.

Let's assume the total number of people surveyed is given by the variable t.

Therefore, the number of people who said they exercise at least twice a week can be calculated as (1/m) * t.

Please provide the number of sections in the pie chart to proceed with the calculations.