Below are the results of tossing a number cube 8 times. Find the experimental probability of tossing an even number.

3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 1, 6, 5
A. one-fourth
B. Start Fraction 3 over 8 End Fraction
C. The fraction is one-half.
D. start fraction 5 over 8 end fraction.

The even numbers on a number cube are 2, 4, and 6. Out of the 8 tosses, we got 2 even numbers (4 and 2). Therefore, the experimental probability of tossing an even number is 2/8 or equivalent to 1/4, which is answer choice A.

To find the experimental probability of tossing an even number, we need to determine the number of even numbers in the results of tossing the number cube 8 times.

From the given results: 3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 1, 6, 5

The even numbers are 4, 2, and 6. Therefore, there are 3 even numbers.

Since we tossed the cube 8 times, the total number of possible outcomes is 8.

To find the experimental probability, we divide the number of favorable outcomes (even numbers) by the total number of outcomes.

Experimental probability = Number of favorable outcomes / Total number of outcomes
Experimental probability = 3 / 8

The experimental probability of tossing an even number is Start Fraction 3 over 8 End Fraction. Therefore, the correct answer is B.