What would happen if the temperature of the Tundra increased? Like to the temperature of North America. I seriously have no idea besides the animals and plants might die. Help!?

Rainfall will change. It is too simplistic to say it will decrease, it might increase if the geography is right.

Flora will change, some will die, but some will thrive.

Warm-bloodied animals will die in mass, as their temperature regulation mechanisms are quite complicated and take thousands of years to adapt. Some will, most wont.

Many species will die because of temperature upsets the chemical reactions in their cells

If the temperature of the Tundra increased to the level of North America, it would have significant impacts on the ecosystem and the organisms that inhabit it. Here are some potential consequences:

1. Melting Permafrost: The Tundra is known for its frozen soil called permafrost, which remains frozen year-round. Increased temperatures would cause the permafrost to thaw, releasing large amounts of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane. This would contribute to global warming and further accelerate climate change.

2. Changes in Plant Life: The Tundra is characterized by low-growing vegetation adapted to the cold climate. Warmer temperatures could cause changes in the vegetation composition, promoting the growth of taller plants or even enabling the spread of shrubs and trees. This would alter the Tundra's unique ecosystem and disrupt the balance of plant species.

3. Disruption of Animal Habitat: The Tundra is home to various animal species such as caribou, muskox, polar bears, and migratory birds. With the changing climate, these species might face challenges in adapting to the higher temperatures. Some animals may migrate to cooler regions, while others may struggle to find sufficient food and suitable habitats, leading to population decline or even extinction.

4. Loss of Adaptation Advantage: Tundra organisms have evolved specialized adaptations to survive in the extreme cold, such as thick fur, hibernation, and the ability to change fur color for camouflage. If the temperature rises, these adaptations may become less advantageous or even ineffective, putting Tundra species at a disadvantage in terms of survival and reproduction.

To further comprehend the potential impacts of temperature increase on the Tundra ecosystem, you can also refer to scientific studies, research papers, or reports from reputable organizations like the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) or the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). These sources provide comprehensive information about climate change and its effects on different regions, including the Tundra.