What features are associated with the dynasties of the Tang (618–907) and Song (960–1279)?

A. economic problems and political violence
B. prosperity, stable government, and advances in farming
C. development of government bureaucracy
D. overseas conquests and colonization

B. prosperity, Stable government and advances in farming

are the features associated with the dynasties of the Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279). These two dynasties were known for their economic growth, cultural achievements, and technological advancements. Under their rule, China experienced a golden age of prosperity, stable government, and impressive advancements in agriculture, art, literature, science, and technology. The Tang dynasty is especially renowned for its poetry, painting, and sculpture, while the Song dynasty is famous for developing movable type printing, gunpowder, and the compass. The government of both dynasties was characterized by a merit-based civil service system, a highly organized bureaucracy, and a centralized administration.

The features associated with the dynasties of the Tang (618–907) and Song (960–1279) are:

B. prosperity, stable government, and advances in farming - Both the Tang and Song dynasties witnessed periods of economic prosperity and stability, with advancements in farming techniques and agricultural productivity.

C. development of government bureaucracy - Both dynasties saw the development and strengthening of a centralized government bureaucracy, which played a crucial role in maintaining stability and effective governance.

It is worth mentioning that option A, economic problems and political violence, cannot be considered as a prominent feature of these dynasties, although there were occasional issues in these areas. Option D, overseas conquests and colonization, is also not applicable to the Tang and Song dynasties, as they were more focused on consolidating and governing their own territories rather than extensive overseas expansion.

To identify the features associated with the dynasties of the Tang (618–907) and Song (960–1279), we need some historical knowledge. Here's a breakdown of each option and an explanation of how to find the correct answer:

A. Economic problems and political violence:
To determine if this option is correct, we can look at the historical context of the Tang and Song dynasties. We can search for information about economic conditions and political stability during these periods. By reading reliable historical sources or textbooks, we can find evidence of economic problems and political violence during these dynasties.

B. Prosperity, stable government, and advances in farming:
To verify if this option is correct, we can research the economic and political situations of the Tang and Song dynasties. We should look for evidence of prosperity, a stable government, and advancements in farming. Again, referring to reliable historical sources or textbooks that cover this period will help in finding the correct information.

C. Development of government bureaucracy:
To determine if this option is correct, we can investigate the structure and functioning of the government during the Tang and Song dynasties. We can look for evidence of the development of a government bureaucracy, such as the establishment of civil service examinations or administrative systems. Historical sources or textbooks covering this period can provide information on this topic.

D. Overseas conquests and colonization:
To establish if this option is correct, we need to examine the historical records of the Tang and Song dynasties for evidence of overseas conquests and colonization. We can search for information on maritime expeditions or territorial expansions. Reliable historical sources or textbooks will help in finding information on these topics.

By conducting research using trusted historical sources or textbooks that cover the Tang and Song dynasties, we can find information on the economic, political, and social aspects of these periods to determine which option is correct.