Cause and effect help readers understand (1 point)


how to speak about an event.

how an event might make a person feel.

why writers tell about events.

why an event happened.

why an event happened.

Cause and effect help readers understand:

- How an event might make a person feel: Cause and effect can help readers understand the emotional impact an event might have on individuals. By examining the causes and effects of an event, readers can gain insight into the different emotions and reactions that may arise as a result.

- Why writers tell about events: Understanding cause and effect allows readers to comprehend why writers choose to tell about specific events. By examining the causes and effects of an event, readers can better grasp the author's intentions and motivations for including it in their narrative. This understanding enhances the overall comprehension and interpretation of the text.

- How to speak about an event: Cause and effect analysis provides a framework for discussing events. By identifying the causes and effects related to an event, readers can articulate their observations, opinions, and interpretations more effectively when speaking about it. This approach helps structure the discussion and enhances clarity in communicating thoughts and ideas.

- Why an event happened: Cause and effect analysis helps readers understand the reasons behind an event. By examining the causes that led to a particular event, readers can gain insight into the underlying factors and circumstances that contributed to its occurrence. This understanding enables readers to develop a deeper knowledge of the event's context and the factors that influenced its happening.