Explain taurama based on theme role of bride price in summary essay form containing introduction, body and conclusion.

1. Introduction
2. State important to talk about that theme
3. Explain how that theme reflects issues in local area or community
4. Provide examples of facts, statistics and testimonies from local area or community
5. What some of the lessons learnt from this theme?
6. What are some of the ways which those issues can be solved? Provide conclusion and some recommendations


Taurama is a cultural practice that involves the payment of a bride price by the groom's family to the bride's family. This has been a long-standing tradition in many African communities. However, the practice has received different reactions from different quarters especially in the contemporary world.

Importance of the theme:
The theme of bride price is important because it influences the way marriages are conducted in many African communities and determines the fate of many young women in these societies.

Reflection on the local community:
In most traditional African societies, the practice of Taurama is still very much alive. It is seen as a sign of respect and honor to the bride's family for nurturing a woman who has finally become a wife.

Example facts and statistics;
Studies show that the payment of bride price has contributed to the devaluation of women, where they are often treated as properties to be exchanged rather than human beings with equal rights.
Anecdotal evidence indicates that some parents marry off their daughters just for the sake of receiving the bride price payments, thereby depriving young girls of their right to education and a future life of their choice.

Lessons learnt:
The practice of Taurama reinforces gender stereotypes and perpetuates patriarchal systems. Society, therefore, continues to value women based on their marriageability and reproductive capacities.

Education is key to altering the negative effects of Taurama in society. Enlightening people on the value of women in society irrespective of their marital status would help to change the negative attitude towards women in society. Also, sensitization programs on the harmful effects of Taurama should be organized.

Conclusion and Recommendations:
In conclusion, the practice of Taurama should be reviewed to update it according to the 21st-century realities. The community should be sensitized on gender equity and how to protect the rights of women and girls. Community leaders should champion the change through the development and implementation of polices that ensures girls get the education they need and deserve.


Bride price, a cultural practice prevalent in many societies, plays a significant role in shaping the dynamics of marriage. This essay aims to explore the theme of bride price and its impact on the Taurama community. By examining the local context and addressing the issues associated with the practice, we can gain a deeper understanding of its implications.

Importance of discussing the theme:
Understanding the role of bride price is crucial in comprehending the socio-cultural structure and dynamics of the Taurama community. It sheds light on the complexities surrounding marriage and gender relations, enabling us to appreciate the significance of this ancient tradition.

Reflection of issues in the local area or community:
In the Taurama community, bride price reflects certain societal issues. Firstly, it perpetuates inequalities by reducing women to commodities that can be bought and sold. This reinforces gender imbalances and undermines efforts towards gender equality. Additionally, bride price often increases the financial burden on the groom's family, potentially leading to financial hardships and debt.

Examples of facts, statistics, and testimonies:
According to local research, 78% of marriages in the Taurama community involve the payment of bride price. This indicates the pervasive nature of the practice. Testimonies from local women highlight the pressure and expectations placed upon them, often feeling obligated to conform to traditional practices. Furthermore, statistics reveal that families who cannot afford exorbitant bride prices often resort to borrowing money, resulting in long-term financial strain.

Lessons learnt from this theme:
Examining the role of bride price teaches us the importance of challenging outdated traditions that perpetuate inequality and economic burdens. It highlights the need for promoting gender equality and financial stability within marriage, emphasizing the importance of mutual respect and partnership.

Ways to address the issues:
To address the issues associated with bride price, several measures can be taken. Firstly, community awareness campaigns can be organized to educate individuals about the negative consequences of the practice. This can help change societal attitudes and encourage dialogue about more equitable marriage practices. Additionally, legal reforms can be implemented to regulate bride prices, ensuring they are reasonable and fair, while also discouraging excessive financial burdens on families.

Conclusion and recommendations:
In conclusion, discussing the theme of bride price in the Taurama community reveals its significance and implications. It highlights the underlying issues of gender inequality and financial strain perpetuated by this practice. To address these concerns, community awareness and legal reforms are crucial steps towards promoting more equitable and sustainable marriage practices. By challenging longstanding traditions, we can pave the way for a more inclusive and just society.