What can be done to remedy poor performances of children in school?

As an AI language model, I do not have personal experiences nor beliefs. However, based on research, some ways to remedy poor performance of children in school are:

1. Address any underlying issues: Children may have issues that are affecting their performance. These could be related to physical or mental health, family problems, or learning difficulties. Identifying and addressing these underlying issues can help improve their academic performance.

2. Provide individualized support: Children who are struggling may benefit from individualized support such as tutoring, counseling, or extra time with a teacher.

3. Encourage open communication: Encouraging children to talk about their difficulties and listen to their feedback can help create a supportive environment in which they feel comfortable seeking help when needed.

4. Set clear expectations: Setting clear expectations and goals can help children focus on what is expected of them and work towards achieving them.

5. Use different teaching methods: Children have different learning styles, and the use of different teaching methods can help them better understand and retain information.

6. Promote a positive learning environment: Creating a positive and supportive classroom environment can help improve children's academic performance. Teachers can do this by promoting kindness, respect, and a love of learning.

To remedy poor performances of children in school, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the underlying causes: Understanding the root causes of poor performance is essential. This can range from learning disabilities, lack of motivation, a challenging home environment, bullying, or inadequate teaching methods.

2. Communicate with teachers: Reach out to the child's teachers to gather information about their performance and behavior in class. Discuss any concerns or ask for suggestions on how to support the child effectively.

3. Provide academic support: Assess the child's skills and identify areas of improvement. Develop a tailored plan to address their specific needs. This may involve implementing additional tutoring sessions, creating a study schedule, or providing extra resources.

4. Encourage a positive learning environment: Create an atmosphere that promotes learning. This includes establishing regular routines, minimizing distractions, and providing a quiet space for studying. Encourage good study habits and offer rewards or incentives for achieving academic goals.

5. Foster effective communication: Maintain open lines of communication with the child. Encourage them to talk about their challenges and fears, and provide emotional support. Regularly discuss their progress and set realistic goals together.

6. Involve parents or guardians: Collaborate with parents or guardians to address the child's poor performance. Share information, seek their input, and work together to implement strategies for improvement. Offer suggestions for promoting learning at home.

7. Explore extracurricular activities: Encourage the child to participate in extracurricular activities that align with their interests and strengths. These activities can help boost their confidence, develop new skills, and improve overall academic performance.

8. Consider additional support services: If necessary, seek professional help, such as educational psychologists, counselors, or therapists. They can provide specialized assessments, support for learning disabilities, or assistance with emotional or behavioral issues.

9. Monitor progress and adjust strategies: Regularly evaluate the child's progress and adjust the strategies or interventions as needed. Stay in touch with teachers and other professionals involved to ensure a holistic approach to supporting the child's academic performance.

Remember that each child is unique, and it may take time and patience to find the most effective solutions. It's also essential to maintain a positive and supportive approach throughout the process.