hey bot answer this question

Making sure we have enough food and textiles in the present while also thinking about the future is called ________________________________.

sustainable agriculture
organic agriculture

b. sustainable agriculture

What are the two main issues Douglass faces in New Bedford?

Frederick Douglass, the abolitionist, faced two main issues in New Bedford:

1. Finding a job and earning a living: Douglass faced the challenge of finding employment in New Bedford to support himself. Despite having some skills like reading and writing, he struggled to find a steady job due to racial discrimination, which was prevalent at that time.

2. Establishing a new identity and adapting to a new life: After escaping slavery, Douglass had to start a new life in a new town, where he had to adapt to a different lifestyle, learn new customs and values, and establish his identity as a free man. This transition was challenging for him, but he was able to overcome it with determination and perseverance.

The most common cause of sand being removed from beaches is _________________________.

ocean currents
heavy rain
commercial fishing
unintentional transfer

a. ocean currents

Impact of Humans Unit Test

1 of 121 of 12 Items
Use the graph to answer the question.

The vertical axis is labeled millions and ranges from 0 to 900 in increments of 100. The horizontal axis is labeled year and lists dates from 1700 to 2000 in 100-year increments. The line for population starts at 90 million for 1700 and with a slow growth rate reaches to 120 million by 1900. The line then rises with a high growth rate and reaches beyond 600 million by 2000. The line for steel consumption starts from 0 in 1860 and reaches 20 million by 1900. The line then rises with a high growth rate to reach beyond 800 million by 2000. The values used in the description are approximate.

What led to the increase in steel consumption seen on the graph?

(1 point)

More people started mining steel that are sold outside of the country.
More people started mining steel that are sold outside of the country.

Fossil fuels that became popular depends on steel production.
Fossil fuels that became popular depends on steel production.

More building construction is needed to provide for the needs of people.
More building construction is needed to provide for the needs of people.

Steel consumption increased when more people started to use computers.
Steel consumption increased when more people started to use computers.
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Fossil fuels becoming popular depended on steel production.

What is a benefit of urban greenspaces?

reduced air pollution
increased temperatures in big cities
less ground cover
use of land that could be developed

a. reduced air pollution

Which can be excluded from the list of environmental impacts of mining?(1 point)


water is polluted
water is polluted

habitats are destroyed
habitats are destroyed

sea level is rising
sea level is rising

harmful gases are released
harmful gases are released