A letter is to be randomly picked from the word MISSISSIPPI. Which set of letters have equal chances to be selected?

Each letter in the word MISSISSIPPI appears a certain number of times:

- M appears once
- I appears four times
- S appears four times
- P appears twice

To determine which set of letters have equal chances to be selected, we need to look at their respective frequencies:

- Set A: M, I, S, P (one of each letter) - this set has the lowest frequency as it only includes one M and one P.
- Set B: I, S, S, P, P, I, S, S (two of each letter) - this set has the highest frequency as it includes the most number of letters.
- Set C: I, I, S, S, S, S, P, P (two S's, two P's, and two I's) - this set has the same number of letters as Set B, but with a different distribution.

Therefore, Set B and Set C have equal chances to be selected since they both have the same number of letters and the same distribution of letters.

To determine which set of letters from the word MISSISSIPPI has an equal chance of being selected, we need to calculate the frequency of each letter in the word.

The word MISSISSIPPI contains the following letters:
- M appears once.
- I appears four times.
- S appears four times.
- P appears twice.

To find the set of letters with an equal chance of being selected, we need to consider the number of times each letter appears. In this case, the set with the highest frequency is I and S, each appearing four times. Therefore, the set of letters {I, S} has an equal chance of being selected.