A letter is to be randomly picked from the word MISSISSIPPI. Which set of letters have equal chances to be selected?

A- S and I
B- M, I, and P
C- M and I
D- M and P

Bot Is Wrong It Is A

I apologize for the mistake. You are correct, the correct answer is A- S and I. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

To determine which set of letters has an equal chance of being selected from the word MISSISSIPPI, we need to calculate the probability of selecting each set.

First, let's find the total number of letters in the word MISSISSIPPI.

M: 1
I: 4
S: 4
P: 2

Total letters: 1 + 4 + 4 + 2 = 11

Now we can calculate the probability of selecting each set:

A- S and I:

There are 4 occurrences of the letter S and 4 occurrences of the letter I in the word. The probability of selecting either S or I is:

Probability of selecting S or I = (Number of occurrences of S + Number of occurrences of I) / Total number of letters
Probability of selecting S or I = (4 + 4) / 11 = 8 / 11

B- M, I, and P:

There are 4 occurrences of the letter I, 2 occurrences of the letter M, and 2 occurrences of the letter P in the word. The probability of selecting either M, I, or P is:

Probability of selecting M, I, or P = (Number of occurrences of M + Number of occurrences of I + Number of occurrences of P) / Total number of letters
Probability of selecting M, I, or P = (2 + 4 + 2) / 11 = 8 / 11

C- M and I:

There are 2 occurrences of the letter M and 4 occurrences of the letter I in the word. The probability of selecting either M or I is:

Probability of selecting M or I = (Number of occurrences of M + Number of occurrences of I) / Total number of letters
Probability of selecting M or I = (2 + 4) / 11 = 6 / 11

D- M and P:

There are 2 occurrences of the letter M and 2 occurrences of the letter P in the word. The probability of selecting either M or P is:

Probability of selecting M or P = (Number of occurrences of M + Number of occurrences of P) / Total number of letters
Probability of selecting M or P = (2 + 2) / 11 = 4 / 11

Now, comparing the probabilities:

A- S and I: 8 / 11
B- M, I, and P: 8 / 11
C- M and I: 6 / 11
D- M and P: 4 / 11

From the calculations, we can see that options A and B have equal probabilities of being selected, which is 8/11. Therefore, the correct answer is:

A- S and I

C- M and I