
Simplify by combining like terms:

4x² - 5x² + 8x - 11x + 6 + 2

-x² - 3x + 8

The simplified form is -x² - 3x + 8.

What are the coefficients in the polynomial 4x²+3x-3

4, -3, -3

4, 3, -3


Simplify by combining like terms:

M² - m - 3 + m - 4

M² - 7

The simplified form is M² - 7.


Distribute the negative sign:

5x² + x - 3 + 2x³ - 4

Collect like terms:

2x³ + 5x² + x - 7

The simplified form is 2x³ + 5x² + x - 7.

Suppose you earn 8t - 3 dollars on Monday and 6t+5 dollars on Tuesday what were your total earnings? Simplify your answer

To find the total earnings, we need to add the earnings from Monday and Tuesday:

Total earnings = (8t - 3) + (6t + 5)

Simplify by combining like terms:

Total earnings = 8t + 6t - 3 + 5

Total earnings = 14t + 2

The simplified form is 14t + 2 dollars.
