Which of the following answers applies the Distributive Property of Multiplication Over Addition correctly for simplifying 23−9(2x+5)+11x?





23-9(2x+5)+11x can be simplified correctly using the Distributive Property as:

23 - 18x - 45 + 11x


My apologies for the incorrect response. The correct answer would be:

23 - 18x - 45 + 11x

The correct answer that applies the Distributive Property of Multiplication Over Addition correctly for simplifying 23-9(2x+5)+11x is:


To apply the Distributive Property of Multiplication Over Addition correctly for simplifying the expression 23−9(2x+5)+11x, we need to multiply the 9 by both terms inside the parentheses, distribute the result, and then combine like terms.

Let's break down each answer choice to see which one correctly applies the Distributive Property:

1. 23-7x-4+11c
This option seems to have unrelated variables (x, c) instead of the original expression variables (2x, 11x), so it doesn't correctly apply the Distributive Property.

2. 23-18x-45+11x
This option combines some terms (23 and -45), but it doesn't distribute the -9 correctly. The term -9(2x) should be -18x, not -9x.

3. 14(2x+5+11x)
This option correctly distributes the 14 to each term inside the parentheses by multiplying: 14 * 2x = 28x and 14 * 5 = 70. It also combines like terms (28x and 11x) correctly.

4. 14(2x+5)+11x
This option also applies the Distributive Property correctly by multiplying: 14 * 2x = 28x and 14 * 5 = 70. It combines like terms (28x and 11x) correctly, and it's written in simplified form.

Therefore, the right answer that applies the Distributive Property of Multiplication Over Addition correctly for simplifying the expression 23−9(2x+5)+11x is:
