11. What is a value? (Lesson 8)

12. What are actions that show self-respect? (Lesson 8)
13. What is codependence? (Lesson 9)
14. What are signs of addiction? (Lesson 9)
15. What are signs of hidden anger? (Lesson 10)
16. What are the three stages of general adaptation syndrome? (Lesson 10)
17. What are symptoms used to diagnose depression? (Lesson 11)
18. What are warning signs that indicate a teen might make a suicide attempt? (Lesson 11)
19. What are symptoms of loss and grief? (Lesson 12)
20. What are the five stages of loss and grief? (Lesson 12)

Critical Thinking
21. How are self-respect and self-esteem related to good character? (Lesson 8)
22. Why does your social-emotional environment affect your health? (Lesson 8)
23. Why might having one addiction increase risk for development of another one? (Lesson 9)
24. Why is bipolar disorder dangerous to a person if he or she is not treated? (Lesson 9)
25. Why is it harmful to use projection and displacement to deal with angry feelings? (Lesson 10)
26. How can stress be positive? (Lesson 10)
27. How can a person with dysthymic disorder have a second form of depression? (Lesson 11)
28. How is being resilient related to good character? (Lesson 11)
29. How is health compromised if a person gets stuck in the anger stage of the five stages of
loss and grief? (Lesson 12)
30. Why do some people grieve after the death of a well-known person? (Lesson 12)


11. A value is a belief or principle that a person considers important and guides their behavior and decisions.

12. Actions that show self-respect include setting boundaries, taking care of oneself, respecting oneself and others, speaking up for oneself, and making healthy choices.

13. Codependence is a dysfunctional relationship where one person prioritizes the needs of another person over their own, leading to enabling and unhealthy behaviors.

14. Signs of addiction include cravings, tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, loss of control, continued use despite negative consequences, and neglecting responsibilities.

15. Signs of hidden anger include passive-aggressive behavior, sarcasm, avoiding conflict, excessive criticism, blaming others, and physical symptoms like headaches or muscle tension.

16. The three stages of general adaptation syndrome are alarm (the body's initial response to stress), resistance (the body's attempt to resist or cope with stress), and exhaustion (when the body's resources are depleted and stress can no longer be managed).

17. Symptoms used to diagnose depression include feelings of sadness, emptiness or hopelessness, loss of interest in activities, changes in appetite and sleep patterns, fatigue, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, and thoughts of suicide.

18. Warning signs that indicate a teen might make a suicide attempt include talking about suicide or death, expressing hopelessness or feeling like a burden, increasing substance use, withdrawing from friends and activities, giving away possessions, and showing signs of depression or anxiety.

19. Symptoms of loss and grief include shock, denial, sadness, guilt, anger, and acceptance.

20. The five stages of loss and grief are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

21. Self-respect and self-esteem are related to good character because they involve valuing oneself and others, setting boundaries, making healthy choices, and treating others with respect and kindness.

22. Your social-emotional environment affects your health because it can impact your stress levels, relationships, self-esteem, and behaviors, leading to either positive or negative health outcomes.

23. Having one addiction may increase risk for development of another one because addiction is a complex disorder that affects brain chemistry and behavior, and can be influenced by genetic and environmental factors.

24. Bipolar disorder is dangerous if left untreated because it can lead to significant mood swings, impaired judgment, impulsive behavior, and an increased risk of suicide.

25. Using projection and displacement to deal with angry feelings is harmful because it involves blaming others for one's own emotions or behaviors, and can lead to a breakdown in communication and relationships.

26. Stress can be positive because it can motivate a person to take action, improve performance, and build resilience.

27. A person with dysthymic disorder may also experience a major depressive episode, which can worsen symptoms and impact functioning.

28. Being resilient is related to good character because it involves adapting to change, overcoming adversity, and maintaining hope and optimism, which are all important traits for personal growth and well-being.

29. If a person gets stuck in the anger stage of the five stages of loss and grief, their health may be compromised because it can lead to prolonged stress, negative coping behaviors, and difficulty in processing emotions and moving forward.

30. Some people may grieve after the death of a well-known person because they may have admired or identified with that person, felt a sense of loss or connection to their work, or experienced feelings of sadness and empathy for their loved ones.

11. A value is a belief or principle that is considered important or desirable in life. It guides a person's behavior and helps them make decisions.

12. Actions that show self-respect include taking care of oneself physically and mentally, setting healthy boundaries, standing up for oneself, making choices that align with personal values, and treating oneself with kindness and compassion.

13. Codependence is a dysfunctional relationship pattern in which a person excessively relies on another person for their emotional needs and has difficulty maintaining their own identity and boundaries.

14. Signs of addiction may include cravings and urges for the substance or behavior, loss of control over use, withdrawal symptoms when trying to stop or reduce use, tolerance (needing more to achieve the same effect), neglecting responsibilities, and experiencing negative consequences as a result of the addiction.

15. Signs of hidden anger may include passive-aggressive behavior, sarcasm, frequent irritability, excessive criticism, avoidance or withdrawal in conflict situations, and physical symptoms such as headaches or stomachaches.

16. The three stages of general adaptation syndrome are alarm, resistance, and exhaustion. In the alarm stage, the body mobilizes its resources to respond to a stressor. In the resistance stage, the body tries to adapt and cope with the stressor. If the stressor continues for a prolonged period, the body enters the exhaustion stage, where it becomes depleted and vulnerable to health problems.

17. Symptoms used to diagnose depression may include persistent sadness or low mood, loss of interest or pleasure in activities, changes in appetite or weight, sleep disturbances, fatigue or lack of energy, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, difficulty concentrating or making decisions, and recurrent thoughts of death or suicide.

18. Warning signs that indicate a teen might make a suicide attempt include talking about suicide or death, giving away belongings, sudden changes in behavior or appearance, withdrawing from friends and family, loss of interest in activities, displaying signs of hopelessness or purposelessness, and expressing feelings of being a burden to others.

19. Symptoms of loss and grief can include sadness, loneliness, anger, guilt, anxiety, difficulty sleeping or eating, loss of interest in activities, irritability, and difficulty in concentrating or making decisions.

20. The five stages of loss and grief, as proposed by Kübler-Ross, are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. These stages are not necessarily sequential and can occur in different orders or repeat.

Critical Thinking

21. Self-respect and self-esteem are related to good character because they both involve valuing oneself and treating oneself with dignity and worth. They contribute to a person's overall sense of self and help develop qualities such as integrity, resilience, and empathy.

22. One's social-emotional environment affects their health because it influences their stress levels, support system, and overall well-being. Positive social connections and emotional support can promote positive health outcomes, while negative or stressful social environments can contribute to physical and mental health problems.

23. Having one addiction may increase the risk for the development of another because addictive behaviors often share common underlying factors such as genetic predisposition, environmental triggers, and psychological vulnerabilities. Engaging in one addictive behavior may also trigger other addictive tendencies or serve as a substitution for the original addiction.

24. Bipolar disorder is dangerous if not treated because it involves extreme mood swings, including episodes of mania and depression. These mood episodes can significantly impair a person's functioning, relationships, and overall well-being. Without proper treatment, bipolar disorder can lead to self-destructive behaviors, financial difficulties, and even suicide.

25. It is harmful to use projection and displacement to deal with angry feelings because they involve avoiding or redirecting anger towards others or external situations. This can result in unresolved anger, strained relationships, and a lack of healthy coping mechanisms. It is important to address and process anger in a constructive and healthy manner.

26. Stress can be positive because it can motivate a person to take action, increase focus and performance, and build resilience. Moderate levels of stress can enhance productivity and personal growth. However, chronic or excessive stress can have negative effects on physical and mental health.

27. A person with dysthymic disorder can have a second form of depression because dysthymic disorder involves chronic low-grade depression that lasts for two years or more. During this time, the person may also experience episodes of more severe depression, known as double depression.

28. Being resilient is related to good character because it involves the ability to adapt, bounce back, and recover from difficulties or setbacks. Resilience reflects inner strength, perseverance, and a positive mindset, which are important qualities for personal growth, problem-solving, and maintaining well-being.

29. If a person gets stuck in the anger stage of the five stages of loss and grief, their health can be compromised because prolonged anger can lead to chronic stress, strained relationships, and physical ailments. It can also hinder the process of healing and acceptance necessary for moving through the other stages of grief.

30. Some people grieve after the death of a well-known person because they may have formed a strong emotional connection or identification with that person. Their grieving can be a reflection of their own personal loss or a collective expression of loss and mourning shared by many others who admired or respected the well-known individual.