How did technological innovation most increase globalization?

Digital media rendered travel less necessary.
Life-saving medicines brought more people closer together.
The Internet increased economic, social, and cultural exchanges.
Wireless communications reduced the need for person-to-person contact.

All of the options listed contributed to the increase in globalization, but the most significant way that technological innovation increased globalization was through the Internet. The Internet has made it possible for people from different countries to communicate, share information, and conduct business with each other in real-time. This has led to increased economic, social, and cultural exchanges between countries and has greatly accelerated the pace of globalization.

Technological innovation has played a significant role in increasing globalization by:

1. Digital media: The advancements in digital media, such as the internet, have made it easier for people from different parts of the world to connect and communicate. It has rendered travel less necessary as people can now interact, share information, and collaborate virtually, leading to a more interconnected global society.

2. Life-saving medicines: Technological advancements in medical science have made life-saving medicines more accessible to people worldwide. This has resulted in improved healthcare and increased longevity, bringing people from different regions closer together in terms of health outcomes and creating opportunities for collaboration and knowledge sharing in the medical field.

3. The Internet: The internet, a technological breakthrough, has transformed the way we exchange information, conduct business, and interact with each other. It has significantly increased economic globalization by enabling global trade and e-commerce. Additionally, social media platforms have facilitated social interactions and cultural exchanges, allowing people to connect and share ideas across borders, leading to greater global interconnectedness.

4. Wireless communications: The advent of wireless communication technologies, such as mobile phones and satellite communication, has significantly reduced the need for person-to-person contact to convey information. This has facilitated real-time communication and enabled businesses to operate globally without physical presence, contributing to the acceleration of globalization.

Overall, technological innovation, through digital media, life-saving medicines, the internet, and wireless communications, has revolutionized the way we connect, communicate, and collaborate, thus greatly increasing globalization.