What word or word have the root word 'ex' in them, with the correct meaning?

1. Exhale - to breathe out

2. Excommunication - to be expelled from a religious community
3. Exceptional - outstanding or unusual
4. Exotic - foreign or unfamiliar
5. Exacerbate - to make worse
6. Expose - to uncover or reveal
7. Exert - to make an effort or apply pressure
8. Exhilarate - to thrill or excite
9. Exterminate - to destroy completely
10. Excessive - more than what is necessary or appropriate.

There are several words that have the root word 'ex'. Here are a few examples:

1. Exclude - meaning to deliberately leave out or remove from consideration
2. Extract - meaning to remove or obtain from a larger whole
3. Exceed - meaning to go beyond a certain limit or amount
4. Expel - meaning to force someone to leave a place or organization
5. Exhale - meaning to breathe out air from the lungs

These are just a few examples, and there are many more words that contain the root word 'ex' in them.