You are watching a commercial on television for the newest sandwich at your favorite fast food chain. What type of promotion are you watching?

direct marketing
sales promotions
public relations

C. Advertising.


Select all the correct answers.
Consumer programs perform which two of the following functions to protect consumers?
mediating consumer complaints and prosecuting businesses that break the law
prescribing nutritional information to be included on food labels
issuing professional licenses that help maintain industry standards
rating and recommending products, services, and businesses

A. Mediating consumer complaints and prosecuting businesses that break the law.

D. Rating and recommending products, services, and businesses.

Why do companies lower product prices and offer free samples?

to find out what people want in a product
to increase brand visibility
to compare one product to another
to quickly sell products

B. To increase brand visibility.

Consumer trend meaning

Consumer trends refer to the general direction in which consumer behavior and preferences are moving over a particular period of time. These trends can be influenced by various factors such as changes in the economy, advancements in technology, changes in social norms and demographics, and shifts in cultural values among others. Understanding consumer trends can help businesses stay competitive and relevant by adapting their marketing strategies and product offerings to meet evolving consumer needs and preferences.