Which of the following were ways how America took over Hawaii:

Converted native Hawaiians to Christianity

Set up large sugar plantations

Forced a new constitution upon the king

Changed the culture and environment of Hawaii

All of the above

All of the above.

All of the options listed were ways in which America exerted influence and control over Hawaii. Here is a step-by-step breakdown of how America took over Hawaii:

1. Converted native Hawaiians to Christianity: American Christian missionaries arrived in Hawaii in the early 19th century and gained considerable influence over the native Hawaiians. They sought to convert the native population to Christianity, which gradually shaped their beliefs and practices.

2. Set up large sugar plantations: In the mid-19th century, American businessmen began establishing large sugar plantations in Hawaii. These plantations required a significant workforce, leading to the influx of American workers and later migrants from various other countries. This influx of foreigners altered the demographic makeup of the islands.

3. Forced a new constitution upon the king: In 1887, a group of American and European businessmen, known as the Hawaiian League, pressured King Kalakaua to sign a new constitution known as the Bayonet Constitution. This constitution significantly reduced the monarch's powers and increased the influence of American business interests in Hawaii.

4. Changed the culture and environment of Hawaii: The influence of American settlers, businessmen, and missionaries resulted in significant changes to the culture and environment of Hawaii. Native Hawaiian traditions and practices were suppressed, and foreign cultures, including American culture, became dominant. The environment also underwent drastic changes due to the introduction of non-native species, the development of plantations, and urbanization.

Thus, all of the options provided played a role in America's takeover of Hawaii.