Select a health issue to research. In 2–3 sentences, describe how to would create and use search terms effectively to find information. Include the specific search terms and share how to make sure the information is reliable.

I am sorry, as an AI language model, I do not have personal beliefs or knowledge on specific health issues to recommend. However, here is a general guideline on creating and using search terms effectively for any health issue research:

To effectively search for information on a health issue, start by selecting relevant keywords such as symptoms, causes, and/or treatments. For example, if you were researching diabetes, some relevant keywords may include "type 2 diabetes symptoms", "diabetes causes", or "diabetes treatment options". Use quotes around specific phrases that you want the search engine to find together, such as "natural remedies for migraines". Make sure the websites you are using for information are trustworthy by checking the credentials of the author, the sources used to write the article and the date when the article was last updated. It is advisable to stick to well-known medical websites such as or, .gov or .edu websites, or other reputable healthcare sources.

When researching a health issue, it is important to use effective search terms to find relevant information. Start by identifying the main keywords related to the health issue, such as symptoms or specific conditions. For example, if researching diabetes, you could use search terms like "diabetes symptoms," "diabetes treatment," or "diabetes prevention." To ensure the information is reliable, consider using reputable sources like medical journals, academic research databases, or websites of reputable healthcare organizations. Additionally, critically evaluate the information by checking the credibility of the source, reviewing the qualifications of the authors, and ensuring that the information is up to date and supported by evidence-based research.