What percentage of the wages of male and female employees differed in the marketing industry, as of the 1990s?

18 percent

36 percent

54 percent

72 percent

There is no definitive answer to this question as it would depend on the specific country, region, or company being referred to. Additionally, the percentage may have varied over time within the 1990s. It is well-documented, however, that the gender pay gap has existed in many industries and countries, leading to women earning less than men for comparable work.

To determine the percentage difference in wages between male and female employees in the marketing industry in the 1990s, we can use the following steps:

Step 1: Subtract the percentage of female employees' wages from the percentage of male employees' wages.
Step 2: Take the absolute value of the difference (to remove any negative signs).
Step 3: Divide the absolute difference by the average of the two percentages.
Step 4: Multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage.

Using the given options, let's calculate the percentage difference for each choice:

A. 18 percent:
|18 - 0| / (18+0) x 100 = 18% / 9 x 100 = 2 x 100 = 200%
This calculation results in 200%, indicating that the percentage difference is larger than 100%, which is not plausible.

B. 36 percent:
|36 - 0| / (36+0) x 100 = 36% / 18 x 100 = 2 x 100 = 200%
As with option A, the calculation gives a result of 200%, which is larger than 100%, and therefore not possible.

C. 54 percent:
|54 - 0| / (54+0) x 100 = 54% / 27 x 100 = 2 x 100 = 200%
Again, the calculation results in 200%, which is more than 100% and thus not realistic.

D. 72 percent:
|72 - 0| / (72+0) x 100 = 72% / 36 x 100 = 2 x 100 = 200%
Once again, the calculation gives a result of 200%, which is higher than 100% and thus not a reasonable option.

Based on these calculations, none of the given options accurately represents the percentage difference in wages between male and female employees in the marketing industry in the 1990s.