The mean annual salary of employees in a company is 150000. The mean annual salary of females and male employees is 162000 and 105000 respectively.find the percentage of male and female employees

To find the percentage of male and female employees, we need to know the number of male and female employees. But that information is not given in the problem.

To find the percentage of male and female employees in the company, we need to know the number of male and female employees. Without this information, it is not possible to determine the percentage accurately.

To find the percentage of male and female employees, we need to know the total number of employees in the company. With the given information, we can determine the proportion of male and female employees in relation to the mean annual salaries.

Let's assume the total number of employees in the company is "N."

From the given information, we know the mean annual salary of all employees is $150,000. This means the total salary of all employees can be calculated by multiplying the mean salary by the total number of employees: Total salary = $150,000 * N.

Now, we know the mean annual salary of male employees is $105,000. Thus, the total salary of all male employees can be calculated by multiplying the mean salary by the total number of male employees: Total salary of males = $105,000 * (Proportion of male employees) * N.

Similarly, the total salary of all female employees can be calculated by multiplying the mean salary by the total number of female employees: Total salary of females = $162,000 * (Proportion of female employees) * N.

Since the total salary of all employees is equal to the sum of the salaries of male and female employees, we can set up the following equation:

$150,000 * N = $105,000 * (Proportion of male employees) * N + $162,000 * (Proportion of female employees) * N

To find the proportion of male and female employees, we can divide the total salary of males and females by the total salary of all employees:

Proportion of male employees = (Total salary of males) / (Total salary of all employees)
Proportion of female employees = (Total salary of females) / (Total salary of all employees)

Once we have calculated the proportions, we can multiply them by 100 to express them as percentages:

Percentage of male employees = (Proportion of male employees) * 100
Percentage of female employees = (Proportion of female employees) * 100

By solving the equation above and substituting the given mean annual salaries, you can find the percentages of male and female employees in the company.