List four agricultural measures during the colonial period.

1) Introduction of new crops and farming practices: European colonizers brought new crops such as wheat, barley, and grapes to the New World, which were not previously grown by the indigenous peoples. They also introduced new farming techniques such as crop rotation and plowing with draft animals.

2) Land Grants: Colonizers received large tracts of land from the government, which provided them with resources to cultivate crops. Plantations were established and utilized labor from enslaved African individuals.

3) Irrigation and drainage schemes: To cultivate crops in normally dry areas, colonizers constructed irrigation systems that allowed them to divert water from nearby rivers and streams. They also built drainage systems to prevent waterlogging in areas with high rainfall.

4) Export-Oriented Agriculture: Colonizers grew crops such as tobacco, sugar, and coffee for export back to Europe. These crops were high in demand and provided a lucrative source of income for the colonizers.

1. Subsistence farming: Most agricultural activities during the colonial period were focused on subsistence farming, where individuals and families grew crops and raised livestock primarily to meet their own basic needs. This included growing staple crops such as corn, wheat, and rice.

2. Plantation farming: Plantation agriculture emerged during this time and played a significant role in the development of the colonies. Large-scale plantations were established to grow cash crops such as tobacco, indigo, sugar, and cotton. These plantations relied heavily on slave labor.

3. Enclosure movement: The enclosure movement was a practice where common lands were enclosed and converted into privately owned estates. This allowed landowners to have greater control over their agricultural practices and stimulated agricultural productivity.

4. Use of indentured servants: Indentured servants were contracted laborers who worked for a set number of years in exchange for passage to the colonies. They were commonly used in agriculture and played a vital role in the initial development of the colonies' agricultural systems.