Relations with Indigenous Americans Quick Check

4 of 54 of 5 Items
Analyze Indigenous resistance movements from the colonial period to the post-Revolutionary War period. (1 point)

a. European colonizers in the Americas, on the whole, treated Indigenous people with cruelty. Mainly, Indigenous people did not fight back. The Pueblo Rebellion was the exception.

b. European colonizers in the Americas, on the whole, treated Indigenous people with cruelty. These practices led Indigenous people to fight back. Examples of this include the Pueblo Rebellion and the fight of the Iroquois Confederacy against the Americans in the Revolutionary War.

c. European colonizers in the Americas, on the whole, treated Indigenous people with kindness. Still, Indigenous people fought them. Examples of this include the Pueblo Rebellion and the fight of the Iroquois Confederacy against the Americans in the Revolutionary War.

d. European colonizers in the Americas, on the whole, treated Indigenous people with cruelty. The Indigenous people were never able to fight back.

b. European colonizers in the Americas, on the whole, treated Indigenous people with cruelty. These practices led Indigenous people to fight back. Examples of this include the Pueblo Rebellion and the fight of the Iroquois Confederacy against the Americans in the Revolutionary War.

The correct answer is:

b. European colonizers in the Americas, on the whole, treated Indigenous people with cruelty. These practices led Indigenous people to fight back. Examples of this include the Pueblo Rebellion and the fight of the Iroquois Confederacy against the Americans in the Revolutionary War.

To analyze Indigenous resistance movements from the colonial period to the post-Revolutionary War period, we need to consider the treatment of Indigenous people by European colonizers and their responses.

Option a suggests that European colonizers treated Indigenous people with cruelty, but Indigenous people mainly did not fight back, except in the case of the Pueblo Rebellion. To verify if this is accurate, we can research historical records and accounts of the treatment of Indigenous people during this time period and if there were any notable Indigenous resistance movements other than the Pueblo Rebellion.

Option b suggests that European colonizers treated Indigenous people with cruelty, which led to Indigenous people fighting back. It provides two examples: the Pueblo Rebellion and the fight of the Iroquois Confederacy against the Americans in the Revolutionary War. To confirm if this is true, we can examine historical sources and records of Indigenous resistance movements during this period.

Option c proposes that European colonizers treated Indigenous people with kindness, but Indigenous people still fought against them. It offers the same two examples as option b. We can verify the accuracy of this statement by researching historical documents and accounts of Indigenous resistance during this era.

Option d states that European colonizers treated Indigenous people with cruelty, and Indigenous people were never able to fight back. To determine if this is a correct statement, we can consult historical sources and records to see if there were any instances of Indigenous resistance movements or acts of rebellion.

After gathering information from reliable sources, we can evaluate the accuracy of each option and determine which one best reflects the reality of Indigenous resistance movements from the colonial period to the post-Revolutionary War era.