Explain how an array is passed to a module. Your explanation must include an example with

pseudocode demonstrating the process. Include in your discussion explanations of parameters
and arguments.
Marks will be awarded as follows:
• Three marks explaining how an array is passed to a module.
• Three marks for a clear explanation of a parameter.
• Three marks for a clear explanation of an argument.
• Six marks for the pseudocode demonstrating the passing of an array to a module

An array is a data structure that can hold multiple values of the same data type. When passing an array to a module, the entire array is copied and sent to the module as one unit.

Firstly, the module must have a defined parameter to receive the array. A parameter is a variable that is declared in the module and is used to receive the passed array. This parameter must be of the same data type as the passed array.

Next, an argument is used to pass the array to the module. An argument is the actual value of the array that is being passed. This argument is passed when the module is called in the main program.

Here is an example of pseudocode that demonstrates passing an array to a module:

// Declare a module that accepts an array as a parameter
Module calculateAverage(myArray[])
// Define a variable to store the sum
sum = 0
// Loop through the array and add each value to the sum
for i = 0 to length(myArray) - 1
sum = sum + myArray[i]
// Calculate the average
average = sum / length(myArray)
// Output the result
output "The average is " + average
End Module

// Declare an array in the main program
myNums[5] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50}

// Call the module and pass the array as an argument

In the above example, the module "calculateAverage" accepts an array parameter called "myArray". When the module is called with the line "calculateAverage(myNums)", the array "myNums" is passed as an argument.

The module then loops through the array, adds up all values, calculates the average, and outputs the result.

This demonstration shows how an array is passed to a module using both parameters and arguments, and how it can be manipulated within the module to perform operations and return values to the main program.

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To pass an array to a module, you need to use parameters and arguments. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how it works, including an example with pseudocode:

1. Declaring the module:
To begin, you need to declare the module that will be receiving the array. This is done by specifying its name and any necessary parameters.

2. Defining parameters:
Parameters are variables that are used to receive values from the calling program. In the case of passing an array to a module, you need to define a parameter of array type. This parameter will act as a placeholder for the array that will be passed.

3. Passing the array as an argument:
An argument refers to the actual value or variable that is passed to a function or module. To pass an array to a module, you need to provide the array name or variable as an argument when calling the module.

Example with pseudocode:

Let's consider a module called "printArraySize" that receives an array and prints its size.

1. Declare the module:
Module printArraySize

2. Define parameters:
In this case, the parameter will be an array of integers. We can name it "arr".
Parameter: arr[ ]

3. Pass the array as an argument:
When calling the module, we need to provide the actual array or variable containing the array.
Argument: myArray


Module printArraySize(arr[])
size = arr.length // calculate the size of the array
Print "The array size is " + size
End Module

Declare myArray[5] // declare an array of size 5
Assign values to myArray // assign values to the array elements
Call printArraySize(myArray) // pass the array as an argument to the module
End Main

In the above pseudocode, the module "printArraySize" takes an array "arr" as a parameter. The size of the array is calculated using the length property of the array. Finally, the array is printed along with its size. In the "Main" section, we declare and assign values to the array "myArray". Then, we call the module "printArraySize" and pass "myArray" as the argument. The module receives the array and performs the desired operation.

To pass an array to a module, you need to understand the concepts of parameters and arguments. Let's break down the explanation step by step:

1. How an array is passed to a module:
When passing an array to a module, you need to define a parameter that will receive the array in the module's declaration. This parameter acts as a placeholder for the actual array that will be passed as an argument when calling the module. By passing the array as an argument when calling the module, you allow the module to access and work with the array's values.

2. Explanation of a parameter:
A parameter is a variable or placeholder defined in the declaration of a module that will receive a value when the module is called. In the case of passing an array to a module, the parameter will serve as a reference to the array that will be passed as an argument. The module can then access and manipulate the array's values through the parameter.

3. Explanation of an argument:
An argument is the actual value that is passed to a parameter when a module is called. In the case of passing an array to a module, the argument will be the specific array that you want to pass. The module can then work with the array's values using the argument that is provided.

Now, let's demonstrate the process with pseudocode:

// Define a module that takes an array as a parameter
module processArray(arrayParam):
// Access and work with the array values through the parameter
for i from 0 to length(arrayParam) - 1:
print arrayParam[i]

// Create an array
myArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

// Call the module and pass the array as an argument

In the pseudocode example above:
- The `processArray` module is defined with a single parameter `arrayParam`.
- The `module` keyword is used to define the module.
- The `arrayParam` parameter is used in the module's code to work with the array's values.
- An array called `myArray` is created with values `[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]`.
- The `processArray` module is called and the `myArray` array is passed as an argument.
- When the module is executed, it accesses and prints the values of the `myArray` array using the `arrayParam` parameter.

This example demonstrates passing an array as an argument to a module and using it through a parameter within the module's code.

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