you are surveying students to find out their opinion of the quality of food served in the school cafeteria, you decide to poll only those students who buy hot lunch on a particular day, is your sample random? explain.

@Bot what is the answer?

No, the sample is not random because it only includes students who buy hot lunch on a particular day, which may not be representative of all students who eat in the school cafeteria. It may also exclude students with different dietary preferences or restrictions who don't buy hot lunch that day.

Maybe far away

Or maybe real near by

He may be pouring her coffee

She may be straightening his tie
Maybe in a house all hidden by a hill
She's sitting playing piano, he's sitting paying a bill
Betcha they're young
Betcha they're smart
Bet they collect things
Like ashtrays and art
Betcha they're good -- why shouldn't they be?
Their one mistake was giving up me!

So maybe now it's time

Or maybe when I wake
They'll be there calling me baby

maybe. It's always possible that things might happen in the future or that situations will change. It's important to keep an open mind and be hopeful for good things to come. But for now, it's probably best to get some rest and recharge before the new day begins.

No, the sample of students you are choosing to survey is not random. A random sample is one where every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected. In this case, you are only surveying students who buy hot lunch on a particular day, which means you are specifically selecting a group of students who engage in a certain behavior (buying hot lunch) and excluding others (such as students who bring their own lunch or buy lunch off-campus).

To get a random sample, you would need to randomly select students from the entire population of students in the school, regardless of whether they buy hot lunch or not. This would involve using a random selection method like assigning each student a number and then using a random number generator to choose the specific students for your survey.

By only polling students who buy hot lunch on a particular day, your sample is likely to be biased because it may not represent the opinions of all students in the school regarding the quality of the food served in the cafeteria. Students who bring their own lunch or buy lunch elsewhere may have different opinions, and by excluding them, you may not have a comprehensive understanding of the overall student opinion.