You are surveying students to find their opinion of the quality of food served in the school cafeteria you decide to poll only those who buy hot lunch on a piticular day. Is it your random sample? Explain Ms Sue in 5 minutes!

Writeteacher Dr bob help

Ms. Sue passed away over 2 years ago.


Oh and you couldn’t tell me any sooner? I already finished the math homework.And I got a 1/20!😭😵🪦

To determine whether the sample of students who buy hot lunch on a particular day is a random sample or not, we need to understand what a random sample is and then evaluate the method used.

A random sample is a subset of individuals selected from a larger population in such a way that each member of the population has an equal chance of being chosen. This method helps to reduce bias and ensures that the sample is representative of the entire population.

Now, let's evaluate the method used in this scenario:

1. Sampling Frame: The sampling frame refers to the list of all individuals in the population from which the sample is drawn. In this case, the survey is limited to only those students who buy hot lunch on a particular day. This means that the sampling frame is not comprehensive as it excludes students who bring lunch from home or buy lunch on other days.

2. Random Selection: The method described does not mention any random selection process. Instead, it focuses on a specific group of students who buy hot lunch on a particular day. This suggests that the sample may not be randomly selected, as it targets a specific subgroup within the population instead of including a diverse range of students.

3. Equal Chance of Selection: Since the method specifically targets a certain group of students, it is likely that not all individuals in the population have an equal chance of being selected. Students who do not buy hot lunch on that particular day are entirely excluded from the sample, which introduces sample bias.

Based on the evaluation, it can be concluded that the sample of students who buy hot lunch on a particular day is not a random sample. This method introduces biases by excluding students who bring lunch from home or buy lunch on other days. To obtain a more representative sample, it would be necessary to include students from all days and lunch-buying preferences.

To create a random sample, you could use the following steps:

1. Obtain a comprehensive list of all students in the school.
2. Assign a number to each student on the list.
3. Use a random number generator to select a specified number of students for your sample. Ensure that each number has an equal chance of being selected.
4. Contact the selected students and ask for their opinion on the quality of food served in the school cafeteria.

By following these steps and ensuring that each student has an equal chance of being selected, you can obtain a random sample that is more representative of the entire student population's opinion on the cafeteria food quality.