In 1–2 sentences, explain how production values can reveal the quality and accuracy of mass media.(2 points)

Production values such as visual and audio quality can reflect the level of care and attention put into the creation of the media, which may indicate the overall quality and accuracy of the content.

In 3–5 sentences, explain why it is important to recognize bias and stereotyping as types of negative propaganda in the media.(4 points)

Recognizing bias and stereotyping in the media is important because they can perpetuate harmful attitudes and prejudices towards certain groups. Negative propaganda can create an unfair narrative that affects people's perceptions and can lead to biases in decision-making. This can have real-world consequences, such as discrimination, marginalization, and even violence towards targeted groups. By recognizing and challenging negative propaganda, we can promote more accurate and just portrayals of different communities.

Production values in mass media, such as high-quality visuals, professional sound design, and skilled editing, can indicate that a higher level of resources and effort were invested in the production, suggesting a higher likelihood of accuracy and overall quality.

Production values in mass media, such as high-quality visuals, clear audio, and professional editing, can indicate the level of attention to detail and investment put into creating the content, thus reflecting the potential quality and accuracy of the overall product.